
We make loan purchasing for your bank’s CRA goals quick, low-cost, and well-informed.

We make loan purchasing for your bank’s CRA goals quick, low-cost, and well-informed.

Purchase opportunities on-demand.

We meet you where you are. Whether you have immediate purchase needs, or just want to test the waters, you can instantly discover diverse opportunities from various lenders. No more chasing down expensive brokers or juggling multiple intermediaries.

Effortless loan discovery targeting your unique CRA and credit goals.

Tailor your search based on your assessment areas (MSA) and credit box (FICO, note rate, etc.) to streamline your loan discovery.

My unique MSA

LMI Census Tracts

Specified credit box

My unique MSA

LMI Census Tracts

Specified credit box

My unique MSA

LMI Census Tracts

Specified credit box

Only pay for what you need.

Stop buying loan portfolios containing loans that don’t help you further your CRA goals. Instead, create and purchase custom loan portfolios that are the perfect fit for your institution.

Stop paying high broker fees.

Discover loans for free. Create custom portfolios for free. Transact for a fraction of brokers’ prices.

Start transacting today.

Immediate liquidity to grow origination impact for sellers. High quality, CRA-eligible loans for buyers.


Start transacting today.

Immediate liquidity to grow origination impact for sellers. High quality, CRA-eligible loans for buyers.


Start transacting today.

Immediate liquidity to grow origination impact for sellers. High quality, CRA-eligible loans for buyers.


Built for financial institutions • All rights reserved Koi Platforms, Inc. | Copyright© 2024

Built for financial institutions • All rights reserved Koi Platforms, Inc. | Copyright© 2024

Built for financial institutions

All rights reserved Koi Platforms, Inc.

Copyright© 2024